Don’t let the title confuse you: this is NOT the CQ magazine devoted to ham radio. This one preceded that magazine by more than a decade and was “of, by, and for commercial radio operators”. The SoWP archives contains 11 issues of this journal, all published between 1931 and 1933. It appears that many if not all of these at some point belonged to Dr. Lee DeForest himself, whose hand-written markings can be seen in each issue in his “Pioneer Wireless Operators” series of articles. Most likely he was revising them for use in another one of his publications, possibly one of his books. These rare issues are available for your perusal courtesy of Ken Bales, W7VCB, who preserved them for the Society.
CQ Vol 1 No 2, April 1931 – Ridiculous hours, outrageous responsibilities, miserable pay, bleak employment outlook. Yet radio schools churn out graduates with promises of lucrative careers! Editor M.R. Rathburne Jr. (later a target of the House Un-American Activities Committee) urges radiomen to organize.
CQ Vol 1No 3, May 1931 – DeForest on pioneering radio operators, “Brasspounding With Lindbergh”, and more…
CQ Vol 1 No 5, Jul 1931 – “Radio Trust Put on the Spot” (RCA), DeForest series, employment reports, etc.
CQ Vol 1 No 7, Sep 1931 – Editorial rails against inefficient radiomen, inexperienced and foreign operators, and ‘irresponsible kids’. Also, new SOS club.
CQ Vol 1 No 8, Oct 1931 – Editorial on radio schools’ inflated promises on careers as commercial radio operator, KPH’s “enviable reputation” being maintained by Frank Geisel (later SoWP President), etc.
CQ Vol 1 No 9, Nov 1931 – Dr. DeForest to head Commercial Radiomen’s Protective Association, order his biography, “Conqueror of Space”, more…
CQ Vol 1 No 10, Dec 1931 – Interesting editorial on steamship companies trying to keep operators from subscribing to this magazine, cuts to wages, more by DeForest on pioneering radio operators, etc.
CQ Vol 1No 11, Mar Apr 1932 – “Coyne Advertising Investigated”, C.R.P.A. to merge with A.R.T.A., “A Radio Operator’s Responsibility” and more…
CQ Vol 1 No 12, May 1932 – Legislative bills threatening commercial wireless operators, LAPD radio station KGPL, DeForest on pioneering wireless operators, etc.
CQ Vol 2 No 3, Oct 1932 – DeForest reminisces about the 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair, world’s largest vacuum tube, growth of Mackay Radio, pilgrimage to the home of Titanic operator John Phillips
CQ Vol 2 No 4, Nov Dec 1932 – “Where Is That ‘Prosperity’?”, US Radio Air Service (Hollinger), Crosley 500 kW broadcast transmitter, etc.
CQ Vol 2 No 5, Jan 1933 – Photo of Owen Young (RCA founder) dining with FDR, radio operator Wm. R. Robertson valiantly goes down with his ship, the SS Nevada, “Tales of the Old Timer” (Bliss), and more…
CQ Vol 2 No 6, Feb 1933 – DeForest on installing station in Cuba, RKO receivers (not the kind you want), a rescue at sea, radio wage scales by shipping line, etc.
CQ Vol 2 No 7, Mar1933 – Radio jobs in the Depression radiation-cooled transmitter tubes, V.W.O.A. (‘Very Well Organized Affair’) at the World’s Fair, the art of copying behind
CQ Vol 2 No 8, Apr 1933 – “Tourist Wireless Operators” (Minzey), “The Art of Copying Behind” (Candler), “Tales of the Old Timer: Distress” (Bliss), DeForest on pioneers, etc.
CQ Vol 2 No 9, May 1933 – ‘Lady “Op’s” – Goody!’, Millen on engineering National 58C, radiotelegraph operator license regulations, airplane telephone transmitter, more…
CQ Vol 2 No 10, June 1933– Hiring Chinese crew for American boat ‘disloyal’, Millen on engineering commercial superhets, DeForest on police raid of wireless-equipped gambling boat, Beverage on transoceanic radio communications
CQ Vol 2 No11, July 1933 – Salvaging the MERIDA treasure, Zworykin on the iconoscope, complete federal airways radio beacons, the future of commercial radiop wages, more…
CQ Vol 2 No 12, Aug 1933 – Fiction by Volney Mathison, station W2XV silenced (for selling wireless equipment to rum runners), “Micro-Rays”, Aero RDF, etc.
CQ Vol 3 No 1, Sep 1933 – Cities Service Petrol disaster, League of Nations wireless station, DeForest on Florida static, what to do in Colon, measuring antenna resistance
CQ Vol 3 No 2, Oct 1933 – Gala for Marconi, new NBC studio at Radio City in New York, the auto alarm, airplane DF, ARTA news, more…