Marconi Beam System Lecture – Guglielmo Marconi’s first experiments used short waves, but he soon moved on to long waves for distance transmission, only years later finding that short waves were not “freaky” and “unpredictable” as most had supposed. Read about his discovery, in his own words from 1924, here.
1902 MARCONI – In 1902 Marconi described “The Progress of Electric Space Telegraphy” including an account of his work with syntony (tuning), coherers, the magnetic detector, and an account of that first transatlantic “S”. Read it here, as transcribed by Archivist Bart Lee.

From Robert E. Dale, 497-SSGP

“Marconi’s Wireless Telegraph Automobile for Military Purposes” from The Americana Encyclopedia (1904)
American Marconi Flyer – Have you considered becoming an operator at a Marconi high power station? You could enjoy a comfortable lifestyle and make as much as $90 per month!
The Boy’s Book of Inventions – In 1903, long before Ray Stannard Baker became President Woodrow Wilson’s press secretary he wrote stories of “the wonders of modern science” in The Boy’s Book of Inventions. In his chapter “Telegraphing Without Wires” he describes the exciting experiments of young Guglielmo Marconi in crossing the English Channel via ether waves (his signal, at least…)
De Forest 1904 – In this 1904 report, officers in the Royal Navy Signal School compared DeForest and other wireless systems with theirs (Marconi). How did they do? Read it and find out. Our thanks to Shane Joyce for unearthing this.
Was voice transmission using valves “An American Invention Which Marconi is Using“? Read the opinion of Dr. Lee DeForest in his letter to the New York newspapers in May 1920 found in the files of the Ossining Historical Society Museum.
Marconi Men List – Marlo Abernathy, 1610-P compiled list of Marconi wireless operators in 1914-5, noting service (ship or shore station) and where more information can be found.
Many of the more senior members of the Society of Wireless Pioneers began their careers at American Marconi, which later became part of RCA. Through their efforts to preserve rare American and British Marconi documents and photos via the SoWP archives we’re able to make these available to you on this web page. We will continue to add material as we go through the files, so check back often.
The photo above comes from the 1915 Year Book of Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony, a Wireless Press (Marconi) publication. We’ve begun scanning and posting other photos and articles from this fascinating 800-page tome, which you can see below.

They just don’t grow ’em that way anymore!

Maj Gen Squier, inventor of multiplex telephony and… Muzak!
Around the World in Record Time – Travel around the world in just over a month impossible, you say? In 1913 John Henry Mears set the world’s record of 35 days, 25 hours (?), 35 minutes, and 4-5 seconds. In the process he spoke with Signore Marconi, rode the Trans Siberian Railroad, and travelled by “Pull-man-car” (rickshaw). Read about it here. From The Marconigraph from September, 1913.
With the Marconi Engineers – Photos of the erection of a transmitter antenna mast at radio station KIE, Kahuku, Hawaii. From The Marconigraph from September, 1913.
Marconi Detector Paper – A new magnetic detector of electric waves (like the ones shown below) by Guglielmo Marconi, from Proceedings of the Royal Society, 1902
Marconi Propagation Paper – Daylight versus night-time radio propagation, an original research paper by Guglielmo Marconi, from Proceedings of the Royal Society, 1902
South Wellfleet History – Technical history of the Marconi South Wellfleet station (later WCC)
Fahie: Marconi’s Method – In 1902 JJ Fahie surveyed both theory and experiment underlying the latest advances in wireless communication being investigated by Signore Marconi. Read about it here and see if you can answer the questions he posed over a century ago (see page 216). Archivist Bart Lee has assembled some interpretive information on this text here: Fahie Additional Info
Home of Wireless – Visit the luxurious Marconi headquarters in London through this fascinating tour. From The Marconigraph for October 1912.
Wireless Medallion – Why is a semi-naked woman perched atop a ship’s wireless aerial? Find out in this extract from The Marconigraph for May, 1913.
Cookson RCA Service Record – Marconi/RCA service record for SoWP member Howard Cookson, 140-SGP
Marconi Invitation Letter – Letter from Jack Irwin inviting the newly licensed Mario Spagna to interview for a position as a Marconi operator near San Francisco or Honolulu, dated February 25, 1913
Marconi School Pamphlet – Looking for “an open door of opportunity”? Check out this pamphlet about the Marconi School of Instruction in New York
Marconi Service Nx July 1916 – Free death & dismemberment insurance for radio operators! Marconi doing its part for preparedness…
Marconi Service Nx Sep 1916 – Aeroplane wireless in war by G. Marconi; a poem about infantile paralysis and more
Marconi Service News Dec 1917 – SoWP member Conrad A. Russell and others relate their experiences of being torpedoed in WWI, and news about Marconi radio operators is reported. Mr Sarnoff has returned from a conference with the Navy…