The mission of the SoWP Archives is to keep the history of wireless telegraphy and the folks involved in it alive. As part of that mission, we aim to make information available to researchers of radio history, US history, family history, etc.
Finding information on Society members is as easy as 1, 2, 3…
1) Search for Member Number
The file at the link below is from the 1985 Wireless Register and lists names of members
# 1 – 4487 and Technical Associates (-TA) # 1 – 226. Members are listed by number, but if you download the pdf file and search (Ctrl-F or Command-F) for a name, it should find it and give you the corresponding member number. We currently have no comprehensive list of SoWP members with # >4487 but hope to reconstruct a complete list later. If you don’t see the name listed, don’t give up. Check the long alphabetical list at further down on this page. If that doesn’t work, try contacting us (link at bottom of page): we have other ways to search.
2) Find Member Application
Once you know a member’s number, we may be able to look up the corresponding member application. These list dates, call letters, ships served upon, etc. and sometimes have additional information (often stories about SOS calls) attached. You can see the few that have been scanned at this page, but we have many more. Our SoWP archives contain hardcopy membership applications for almost all members from # 1 – 3050 and # 4321 – 5740. Applications for members # 3051 – 4320 have never been found.
3) Find Other Member Information
Other information, sometimes limited, sometimes extensive, is available for many members, including some of those with missing membership applications. Information could include letters, articles, photos, logs, albums, drawings, and you-name-its. The alphabetical list below shows members for whom we have this kind of extra information. If you find someone about whom you want to find out more, just contact us using the links at the very bottom of the page. Good luck!
Member Files A-F (more to come)
Abbit, Jim 1529-M
Abernathy, Marlo 1610-SGP
Adsit, Fred 5074-M
Agsten, Mike TA-7
Allen, Hubert 578-P
Anderson, Anton 1566-P
Anderson, Carl E. 318-P
Anderson, Elmer 1723-SGP
Anderson, O.R. 47-SGP
Anderson, Ralph V. “Andy” 3340-P
Appleby, Tom 251-SGP
Arnett, D.S. 1805-SGP
Arnold, Herman H. “Hap” 2745-P
Aron, Cornel-Emil 1441-M
Asplund, A.P. “Rudy” 57-P
Atkins, Gael 944-P
Atlee, Franklin 382-P
Aubin, J. Warren 5586-V
Baarslag, Karl 175-SGP
Babbitt, Howell N. 3723-V
Bachman, Lester 1219-P
Bacon, Jack 5078-V
Bacon, Wesley H. 4552-V
Baker, Earl W. 110-SGP
Barger, Conan 2941-P
Bartlett, Dexter* 145-SGP
Bartlett, Dexter* 145-SGP
Bartlett, Forrest A. 2294-V
Bartlett, George* 2933-P
Bastholm, Ken 1493-V
Baumgartner, Walter 297-P
Beall, Irl V. 399-SGP
Bean, Theron 2395-SGP
Beater, George 224-P
Beckett, George 663-SGP
Bell, Joseph W. 762-V
Bell, Leslie W. 1466-P
Bennett, Russell C. TA-81
Benson, Ralph E.* 2107-P
Berkowitz, Ben 2565-P
Berman, Jack 4389-P
Berridge, Walter J. 1777-SGP
Betts, Edward 515-V
Beverage, Harold H.* H-14
Beverage, Samuel 4266-V
Biele, Charles E. 768-SGP
Biester, Ulrich 4921-M
Blackman, John 833-SGP
Blake, Charles H. 1855-SSGP
Blake, Richmond 2158-P
Bock Jr., Paul H. 5556-M
Bonnell, Maurice 4690-P
Bookwalter, Robert 5423-TA
Borelli, Joseph 1907-PA
Bourg, Vernon 1020-V
Bowers, Ray 1369-P
Boyd, Bruce TA-50
Boyd, Waldo T.* 2958-P
Braden, Melvin 730-P
Brander, Jan 4316-M
Braswell, K.P. 1406-P
Brattland, Armond 139-SGP
Braun, Carl 1025-SGP
Brelsford, Charles 353-P
Breniman, William “Bill”* 1-SGP
Briggs, Lawrence 481-P
Brodnax, Allan 472-PA
Brooks, Harry 2334-M
Brown, David L. 647-P
Brown, James Harvey 381-SGP
Brown, Richard 621-V
Broyles, Hubert 59-P
Buchanan, Patrick O.G. 3089-M
Buehler, Hans* 3028-M
Buckles, Clyde N. 2734-V
Burgman, Elmer H. 484-P
Burr, Arthur M. 809-P
Burrow, Larry 3383-P
Buzza, Percival C. 2429-V
Cady, Eben K.* 54-SGP
Camenisch, Frank C. 147-SSGP
Cameron, Ralph 283-TA
Camillo, Matty 750-SGP
Carey, Frank J. 913-SGP
Carnes, Theodore L. 576-SGP
Carpenter, Edwin H. 5696-V
Carr, Charles J. 188-SGP
Carr, George L. 5020-V
Cassel, Mike 3492-M
Chandler, Alf 3969-V
Chinn, George 212-SGP
Cho, Byong-Joo 1243-V
Choat, William F. 1490-SGP
Churchill, Thomas 377-SGP
Claar, Merton W. 3611-P
Clark, G. Warren 219-SGP
Clark, Lauren H. 4781-V
Clark, Reese A. 375-SGP
Clark, Victor C. 3722-V
Cleary, John “Jack” 4757-V
Clemens, Roy H. 863-P
Clement, Lewis 153-SSGP
Clifford, Wayne W. 5061-V
Closs, Roy E. 801-SGP
Clouser, Del 4922-M
Coburn, Eric D. 704-P
Coleman, Chuck 2907-P
Compton, Hugh 27-P
Conradt-Eberlin, V.H. 262-SGP
Contreras, Jose Unknown
Convery, Frank 1463-P
Cook, A.B. Unknown
Cook, Herbert 3207-V
Cookson, Howard* 140-SGP
Cooney, Frederick “Bud” Unknown
Copland, Harry D. 893-SGP
Cornelius, V.J. “Jack” 302-P
Corpe. G.S. “Ole Sam” 29-SSGP
Cosmas, Athan 1172-P
Costello, James 3681-V
Couzin, Roy I. 2618-P
Cowan, Stuart D. 2852-P
Cowden, Reuel E. 2477-SSGP
Craig, Harold F. “Hal” 308-P
Cronan III, William S. TA-56
Cronkhite, C.L. “Roi” 69-P
Cummons, Bruce D. 5156-V
Cunningham, Gordon R. 2129-V
Curtin, Jim 858-V
Cutting, Ross F. 2700-SSGP
Dale, Robert E. 497-SSGP
Dane, Paul N.* 2195-V
Daniels, Paul H. 315-V
Dargatz, Richard 1299-SGP
Davis, Stuart* 208-P
Deacon, William* 3490-V
Dearman, Thomas E. 1693-SGP
Deckard, Fred D.* 1250-SGP
De Henseler, Max C. 5404-TA
DeMerritt, Loren G. 100-P
Derksen, Brian 4603-M
Dessert, Joseph F. 2427-SGP
Detwiler, Donald 1135-P
Diamond, Jack 3081-V
Diaper, William F. 2484-SGP
Dick, Joseph 3926-V
Dickow, Henry W.* H-1, 3-SGP
Dillman, Richard 4334-M
Dingley Jr., Edward N. 624-SGP
Donoghue, James L. 3001-V
Downey, Richard 3592-M
Drodziak, Walter M. 172-V
Dufresne, Joe 1312-M
Du Mesnil, Paul 2557-M
Dunford, Bill 3291-P
Dunn, Charles M. 115-SGP
Eckels, August E. 1867-SGP
Edwards, Charles W. 4114-V
Egolf, Richard S. 71-SSGP
Ehrke, Ernest 1822-P
Eisenberger, David F. 4522-M
Ellis, Albert H. TA-257
Elser, Fred 598-P
Elwood, John 396-V
Erickson, Ero* 21-P
Ericson, Arthur E.* 70-SSGP
Eskridge, Dwayne L. 1945-V
Espenschied, Lloyd 462-SSGP
Eugeniu, Coman C. 5570-M
Falk, Howard H.* 476-P
Falke, Joseph 1835-SSGP
Farmer, George 85-SSGP
Farrance, Jack 1591-V
Farris, Paul 4217-V
Fassett, Lee O.* 37-SSGP
Favre, George 236-V
Fedorova, Ludmila 4825-M
Feliz, Sisto J. 329-P
Fels, John V. 1306-V
Ferguson, Ray D. 1091-SGP
Ferland, Cyp* 770-P
Fernandez, Manuel “Pete” 488-SGP
Fetzer, Robert J. 2674-V
Filtness, Arthur W. “Bill” 370-SGP
Finch, Harold D. 1976-SGP
Fishback, William H. 3899-P
Fitzsimmons, William 1831-SGP
Flagler, Robert* 1986-SGP
Fleming, Roy J. 2398-P
Fletcher, Sandy Unknown
Flint, Richard E. 1391-V
Folkman, Ralph C.* 586-SGP
Freisleben, George 3142-P
Fuller, Leonard F. H-10
Fulton, Donald G. 5101-M
Funston, Leslie L. 1903-P
* Indicates more than average amount of information is available.
Note on membership letters
Most suffixes indicated date when member first became a professional brasspounder:
SSGP – Before 1915
SGP – 1915 – 1925
P – 1926 – 1939
V – 1940 – 1949
M – 1950 or later
There were also two others, sometimes used as suffix, sometimes prefix:
TA – Technical associate (not professional brasspounder)
H – Honorary (distinguished figure in wireless history, whether professional or not)
Contact Bob Rydzewski or Bart Lee